Golden Goose's commitment to sustainability



Sustainability is core to our identity 

Our commitment to sustainability has been at the core of the brand since its small-scale beginning in the Italian town of Marghera, near Venice, in the year 2000. 

Ever since we have strived for a mindful and socially conscious approach across the board - from the choice of suppliers and environmental practices to employee relations and customer care. 

Investing in sustainable growth has ensured a positive impact on our local communities and broad spectrum of stakeholders, while our Golden Ecosystem has kept up with the pace of change. 

As a small artisanal studio that has grown into a global brand with over 180 stores worldwide, we have navigated the path to environmental sustainability with unwavering faith in craftsmanship, innovation, and a people-centered approach, while actively promoting these very principles within the Golden Community. 

The social pillar 

We firmly believe creating positive social impact extends beyond our corporate culture. That’s why we add value to local communities through volunteer programs, while also promoting humanitarian initiatives worldwide. 

For the same reason, we decided to base our supply chain entirely in Italy, and, for over two decades, we have integrated social sustainability in every stage of the manufacturing process. 

While we keep upholding a tradition rooted in craftsmanship, we continue to look to the future and invest in innovation and environmental impact minimization. 

Our built-to-last philosophy 

We aim higher and higher