1.1. These General Conditions for the Use of the Website (hereinafter, the "Conditions") are intended to govern the use of the Website www.goldengoose.com (hereinafter, the "Website") managed by Golden Goose S.p.A., by the user, whether as registered user or simple visitor (hereinafter, the "User").
本網站使用條款(下稱“條款”)旨在約束不論是已註冊或簡單瀏覽的用戶(下稱“用戶”)對Golden Goose S.p.A. 所管理的 www.goldengoose.com 網站(下稱“網站”)的使用。
1.2. The purposes of the Website are the provision of information and the conduct of electronic commerce. By accessing the Website and using the services available on the Website, the User accepts these Conditions and undertakes to comply with them. If the User does not wish to accept these Conditions, he or she is asked to avoid using the Website.
1.3. We would ask you to read carefully these Conditions prior to using the Website, as well as other areas of the Website such as our Privacy Policy www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy, which sets out information on the processing of personal data, our Cookie Policy www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/cookies, showing information on the use of cookies, the General Conditions of Sale www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/termsandconditions/sale and those concerned with withdrawal. We suggest printing these terms for future reference.
我們要求您在使用本網站之前,仔細閱讀本條款以及本網站的其他區域,例如我們的私隱政策 www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy,其中列出有關我們處理個人資料的資訊,我們的Cookie政策 www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/cookies,其中列出有關我們使用cookie的資訊,網上銷售條款 www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/termsandconditions/sale 和有關退貨的資訊。 我們建議您打印這些條款以供將來參考。
1.4. The Company reserves the right to amend these Conditions at any time for reasons connected with the law, changes to the services offered or business requirements. As a consequence, the User is invited to check these Conditions upon every visit to the Website including to check for possible updates or amendments.
2.1. The Website is managed by Golden Goose S.p.A. with registered office in Milan at Via Privata Ercole Marelli 10 (the “Company”). 本網站受 Golden Goose S.p.A.
本網站受 Golden Goose S.p.A. (下稱“公司“)管理,其註冊辦事處位於意大利米蘭20139 埃爾科萊馬雷利私人街10號 。
3.1. The User will be able to visit and sign up on the Website free of charge without prejudice to the fact that they will bear the cost of connection to the Internet used to access the Website, according to the charges, terms and conditions applied by their own operator.
3.2. Signing up on the Website will lead to the creation of a personal account, including username and password of not less than eight characters, in compliance with the criteria for the creation of the password indicated from time to time on the Website.
3.3. The credentials for accessing the Website will be personal and non-transferrable and may not be shared with third parties.
3.4. The User will be responsible for all activities completed through their individual account. To such end, the User undertakes to adopt the appropriate precautions to ensure that his or her password remains secure and secret, undertaking to inform the Company immediately if there are reasons to believe that a third party knows his or her password, when such password has been, or is presumed to be about to be, used in an unauthorised manner or when it has been lost or stolen.
3.5. The User may not use their own account or the Website:
3.5.1. in such a way as to cause, or be capable of causing, interruptions in, damage to or the malfunctioning of, the same and the related functionality; and
3.5.2. for fraudulent purposes or in any case, to carry out unlawful actions.
3.6. In any case, the User is prohibited from interfering with the functioning of the Website and, in particular, undertakes not to evade its security measures, tamper with it and in any case, not to prejudice the operation of the Website or of any computing system, servers, routers or any other IT device.
4.1. Where a User purchases a product on the Website such sale is governed by the General Conditions of Sale.
4.2. While setting up an account or by making a request through the Website, the User will be able to benefit from the Newsletter service free of charge to be sent on a periodical basis by e-mail with editorial and commercial content, to the e-mail address indicated by the individual User. The User will be able to deactivate the newsletter service at any time by changing the related settings within their own personal area or by clicking on the link for the cancellation of the service to be found at the foot of each e-mail newsletter. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy.
在建立帳戶或通過網站提出要求時,用戶將能夠免費獲得通訊服務,該通訊將定期以(包含編輯和商業內容的)電郵被發送至該個別用戶指示的電郵地址。用戶將可以通過在自己的個人賬戶內更改相關設定,或通過點擊位於每封電郵通訊的底部的鏈接取消此服務,以隨時停用此服務。請參閱我們的私隱政策 www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy以獲取更多相關信息。
4.3. Any prize events organised by the Company on the Website will be governed by the specific regulation published from time to time on the Website.
5.1. The Company (or its successors in title) is the owner and/or legitimate licensee of all industrial and intellectual property rights relating to the Website, all the contents and materials published on it (including, without limitation, texts, catalogues, photographs, illustrations, images, technical drawings, video, audio, advertising texts, trademarks, domain names, drawings, designs including where not covered by patents and all other content and materials, hereinafter, the "Material").
5.2. The User will be authorised to download, view or print contents from the Website for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes, in such a way as not to cause any prejudice to industrial and intellectual rights of the Company or possible third parties. In no circumstances may the contents of the Website be used for other purposes including, without limitation, their distribution, modification, reproduction, transmission or dissemination, without the prior written consent of the Company. If the User uses the Website and/or the Material in breach of these Conditions, he or she may be invited by the Company to cease using the Website and to return or destroy the Material without prejudice to the Company’s right to take any other initiative for the protection of its damaged rights and to obtain compensation for any loss and damage suffered.
6.1. The Company does not guarantee that the Website or its contents will be continuously accessible.
6.2. The Company does not make any guarantee in relation to service failures resulting in delays or interruptions in the functioning of electronic communication services preventing access to, or use of, the Website.
6.3. The Company doesn't guarantee the absence of viruses, malware or other elements making the Website and/or its contents dangerous. The User will be responsible for the implementation of procedures and checks capable of meeting security requirements and ensuring the reliability of incoming and outgoing data such as, for instance, the installation of an anti-virus application.
6.4. Without prejudice to the provisions of the General Conditions of Sale, it is hereby understood that some products may be presented next to pictures or graphical reproductions whose purpose is merely illustrative.
6.5. All the above shall apply where permitted within the maximum limits of the law.
7.1. The User will access and use the Website autonomously and at their sole risk. The Company hereby declines any liability with respect to any damage or prejudice suffered in any way by the User as a consequence of access and use of the Website and/or the download of any Material present on the same on any basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Conditions seeks to exclude or limit the User or Company's liability to the other for death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraud, or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable laws.
7.2. The Company will not accept any liability for any loss or damage deriving from the fact that the User has not stored his or her password securely or has not communicated the unauthorised use, loss or theft of such password to the Company pursuant to Article 3.4 above. 對於因用戶沒有安全地存儲其密碼或未根據上文第3.4條向公司傳達該密碼受到未經授權使用、丟失或盜竊的訊息而導致的任何損失或損害,本公司概不負責。
7.3. The Company reserves the right to suspend, eliminate, interrupt or modify the Website in whole or in part without advance notice. The Company will not be liable as against the User if the Website is not available for any reason or for any modification, suspension or final interruption of the same.
7.4. All the above shall apply where permitted within the maximum limits of the law.
8.1. The Website may contain hyperlink connections to websites managed by third parties. The Company will not be liable for the contents of third-party websites made accessible through the Website. The inclusion by the Company of hyperlinks to such websites will not imply any acceptance by the Company of the materials published on the same or any other relationship between the Company and the managers of such websites.
9.1. The User accepts that he or she will hold the Company indemnified and harmless against any liability, damages or costs (including, without limitation, legal costs) incurred by the Company because of the following: (i) breach of these Conditions by the User, (ii) claims by third parties based on the use of the Website and/or the Material by the User, or (iii) information or materials sent, transmitted or loaded by the User through the Website or the account.
10.1. Any information relating to data of a personal nature sent electronically through the Website by the User will be processed in compliance with the applicable law concerned with personal data protection with particular reference to Legislative Decree 196/2003 as recently amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018 (The Personal Data Protection Code) and EU Regulation 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation), and our Privacy Policy www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy.
用戶通過網站以電子方式發送的與個人有關的任何信息,將根據適用的與個人資料保護有關的法律進行處理,特別是參考以第101/2018號法令作最近修訂的第196/2003號法令(個人資料保護法規)和歐盟法規第2016/679號(一般通用數據保護規定)以及我們的私隱政策 www.goldengoose.com/hk/en/policy/privacy。
11.1. The Website, as currently configured, has been designed to be used by users located in Italy and the Company does not guarantee the fact that its contents comply with the requirements set forth laws applicable outside the Italian territory.
11.2. These Conditions shall be governed by Italian law and any dispute relating to the Website shall be deferred to the exclusive competence of the Court where the User has their residence or domicile, provided that such residence or domicile is located within the Italian territory.